Welcome to the Praise and Worship page for Rapha Healing Ministries. You will find that praise and worship are a vital part of our ministry. Before any healing service, we begin our service with a time of praise and worship. First praise, and then worship. You might ask, “Is there a difference?” Yes, there is definitely a difference when it comes to entering into the presence of God.
When we sing praises to God, we are joyfully recounting, with thanksgiving, all the wonderful things He has done for us. It is something we do. It is usually spontaneous, vocal, and sometimes noisy thanks to God. It is usually uninhibited and demonstrative. God inhabits the praises of His people. God desires praise from His people, and the Bible says that the stones will cry out if his people do not. Praise lifts the spirit and takes us out of a place of the mundane. I believe when King David danced before the Lord it was an act of praise – thanking God for all the things that God had done for him. As one writer said, “praise is opening up, and worship is entering in.”
Worship is different than praise.
Coming before the Lord in worship is not about us – it is about God. True worship is not man made so it must be done in spirit and in truth. How is that? John 4:23 says: “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” ESV
Worship sometimes is not easy. The Hebrew word “shachah” (Gen 22:5) literally means “to bow down, to depress, to prostrate oneself”. It is the act of losing and humbling ourselves before God who is holy. Worship is a continual offering up our lives to God. It is a sweet and pleasing aroma to Him. It is adoring and loving God for WHO He is, and not because of WHAT He has done. When we worship, our heart changes and suddenly we find our priorities change. When God sees our heartfelt worship, He responds joyfully. We have found people have experienced healing in some of our worship services, just by sitting before the Lord in reverent worship.
We know that you will enjoy all of the music we are providing – whether you choose praise or worship. May you find yourself singing along with us or just resting in the Presence of the Lord.
Rapha Worship Services
Name of Service | Audio |
Rapha Praise & Worship Service, Carolyn at Cornerstone |  |
Rapha Soaking Service, Carolyn at Cornerstone - Pt. 1 |  |
Rapha Soaking Service, Carolyn at Cornerstone - Pt. 2 |  |
Rapha Soaking Service, Carolyn at Cornerstone - Pt. 3 |  |
Rapha Soaking Service, Carolyn at Cornerstone - Pt. 4 |  |
Rapha with Ken, Nick, Carolyn - Pt. 1 |  |
Rapha with Ken, Nick, Carolyn - Pt. 2 |  |
Rapha with Carolyn, Nick & Victory Girls - Pt. 1 |  |
Rapha with Carolyn, Nick & Victory Girls - Pt. 2 |  |
Rapha with Carolyn, Nick & Victory Girls - Pt. 3 |  |
Rapha with Carolyn, Nick & Victory Girls - Pt. 4 |  |
Rapha with Nick, Carolyn - Pt. 1 |  |
Rapha with Nick, Carolyn - Pt. 2 |  |
Rapha Prayer Service, Carolyn at Cornerstone - Pt. 1 |  |
Rapha Prayer Service, Carolyn at Cornerstone - Pt. 2 |  |
Rapha Prayer Service, Carolyn at Cornerstone - Pt. 3 |  |
Rapha Prayer Service, Carolyn at Cornerstone - Pt. 4 |  |
Rapha with Ken, Nick, Carolyn |  |
Rapha Praise & Worship with Carolyn at Cornerstone |  |
Rapha with Christopherson Family, Nick & Carolyn - Pt. 1 |  |
Rapha with Christopherson Family, Nick & Carolyn - Pt. 2 |  |
Rapha with Christopherson Family, Nick & Carolyn |  |
Just Worship
Name of Song | Audio |
Abba Father |  |
All Who Are Thirsty |  |
Amazed By You |  |
Be Unto Your Name |  |
Breakthrough |  |
Breathe on Me, Breath of Your Spirit |  |
Breathe |  |
Consuming Fire |  |
Down At Your Feet O Lord |  |
Draw Me Lord - Blessing, Glory Honor |  |
Dwelling Place |  |
Give Us Clean Hands |  |
God of Wonders |  |
Grace Flows Down and Covers Me |  |
He Loves Us |  |
Healer |  |
Healing Rain |  |
Hear Us From Heaven |  |
Here In Your Presence |  |
Holy Is Your Name |  |
Holy Spirit Rain Down |  |
Hosanna In The Highest |  |
I Can Only Imagine, Running |  |
I Exalt Thee |  |
I Just Want You |  |
I Love You Lord Medley |  |
I Need You More |  |
I Will Run To You |  |
In Awe of You |  |
Joy of My Desire |  |
Let It Rain |  |
Let Our Praise Be As Incense |  |
Let Your Glory Fall |  |
Lord I'm Amazed By You |  |
Lord You're Beautiful |  |
Love You So Much Jesus |  |
Make My Life A Prayer to You |  |
O Draw Me Lord, In Awe of You |  |
O I Need Thee |  |
Oh How He Loves |  |
Oh The Glory of Your Presence |  |
Praise Him |  |
Psalm 23 |  |
Revelation Song |  |
Running |  |
Show Me Your Ways |  |
Surrender |  |
The More I Seek You |  |
The Potter's Hand |  |
We Enthrone You |  |
We Fall Down |  |
Whisper His Name, Let It Rain |  |
Word of God Speak |  |
Worthy |  |
You Amaze Me |  |
You Are My King, Amazing Love |  |
You Deserve the Glory |  |
Your Eye Is On The Sparrow |  |
Just Praise
Name of Song | Audio |
All About Your Glory |  |
Better Than Life |  |
Blessed Be Your Name |  |
Draw Me Closer |  |
Every Day Is Sweeter |  |
Free For All |  |
God Is Great |  |
Holy Is The Lord God Almighty |  |
Hosanna |  |
I Am Free |  |
Indescribable |  |
Jesus What A Beautiful Name |  |
Let Everything That Has Breath |  |
Light The Fire |  |
O Taste and See |  |
Open the Eyes of My Heart |  |
Open Up the Sky |  |
Somebody Dance |  |
Take My Life and Let It Be |  |
Taste and See the Lord is Good |  |
That's What We Came Here For |  |
The Lord Reigns |  |
The Lord's Prayer |  |
The Whole Earth is Full of Your Glory |  |
Unto the King |  |
We Are Rocks Building Stones |  |
Welcome Into this Place |  |
You Are God Alone |  |
You Are Good |  |
You Deserve the Highest Praise |  |
You Have Made Me Glad |  |
Your Love Makes Me Sing |  |
Your Name |  |
You Said |  |
Just Carolyn
Name of Song | Video | Audio |
We Shall Behold Him |  |  |
Breathe on Me |  |  |
Down At Your Feet | |  |
I Am Blessed | |  |
I Can Only Imagine, Running | |  |
I Just Want You | |  |
I Love You Lord Medley | |  |
I Must Tell Jesus | |  |
I Need Thee Lord, I Need Thee | |  |
I've Just Seen Jesus - Mary Magdalene's Song |  |  |
Lamb of God | |  |
Let Our Praise Be As incense | |  |
Let There Be Praise | |  |
More Than Wonderful | |  |
My Jesus I Love Thee | |  |
My Tribute | |  |
Oh The Blood | |  |
On My Knees | |  |
Our Blessed Savior Has Come |  |  |
Running | |  |
Statue of Liberty |  |  |
The More I Seek You | |  |
Worship the King | |  |
You Amaze Me | |  |
Just Hymns
Name of Song | Audio |
All Hail the Power of Jesus Name |  |
Amazing Grace |  |
Be Thou My Vision |  |
Create in Me a Clean Heart |  |
Draw Me Nearer |  |
Grace Grace |  |
Great is Thy Faithfulness |  |
How Deep the Father's Love |  |
I Exalt Three |  |
I Must Tell Jesus |  |
I Need Thee |  |
My Jesus I Love Thee |  |
O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing |  |
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow |  |
Search Me O God |  |
The Lords Prayer |  |
Name of Video | Play |
Easter Sunday - Mary Magdalene's Story |  |
Christmas Service - Our Blessed Savior Has Come |  |
4th of July - Statue of Liberty |  |